© Worth Park Friends 2024
Our member Tom Howard-Jones wrote:
Blue Tit, Photo: Ingrid Payne
It was good to be able to walk around the park in sunshine after the heavy rain and high winds of the last week. The sky was mostly blue and the autumn colours were vibrant. The floods in Gratton's Park have gone down and the river has returned to its meanders. The eight young Egyptian Geese are still with their parents and are almost fully grown now. There was a large flock of Canada Geese and one Greylag Goose . A mixed flock of birds were feeding on the yew and holly berries near the tennis court. It included: Redwing , a first for this autumn; Mistle Thrush ; Blackbird ; Greenfinch ; Great Tit and Blue Tit . The water level in the lake is much higher. The alarm calls of gulls made me look up in time to see a Red Kite cruising over. A full list of the birds seen is given in the Bird Table .
Wednesday 09-11-2022 - 11:15 to 13:00