© Worth Park Friends 2025

Our members Tom and Chris Howard-Jones wrote:

Egyptian Goose with the new goslings, Photo: Tom Howard-Jones
The headline news today is that the pair of Egyptian Geese have appeared with six very new goslings . They were first seen yesterday. There were 2 juvenile Mute Swans and 2 Cormorants on the lake. The single Great Crested Grebe is still present. Several of the Black-headed gulls have moulted into their breeding plumage. The three hybrid ducks are still together in their favourite corner of the lake. We walked back around the flats behind the garages and added several species to our list: Goldcrest ; Goldfinch ; Great Tit ; Coal Tit and Nuthatch . We should remember to take that route more often. The cold breeze was blowing pollen off the Yew trees like smoke in the sunlight. A full list of the birds seen is given in the Bird Table .
Thursday 02-03-2023 - 11:00 to 13:00