© Worth Park Friends 2025
Our member Tom Howard-Jones wrote:
Female Mallard with young ducklings on Worth Park Lake
It was a warm sunny day - such a relief after the heavy rains of the day before.
The pair of
Egyptian Geese
still have five goslings which continue to grow well. They
are probably large enough now to be safe from most threats.
Grey Heron
nest was deserted. I did not see any of them elsewhere.
Both of the pair of
Mute Swans
were swimming on the lake. It is still a mystery
whether they have any young.
The (3 ?) chicks of the
with the nest at the water level have grown.
have left their nest up the tree. Their (2 ?) chicks are very small and
were swimming in the lake. [Picture of small chick].
A pair of
Greylag Geese
had 2 goslings. (lost 2?).
A pair of
Canada Geese
had 2 goslings; another pair had one gosling.
One pair of
had 11 young ducklings [picture of grown ducklings]; another
pair had 5 smaller ones. The family of a duck and several ducklings that had got into
the fountain over the weekend had been safely rescued.
As the young water birds become more active it is difficult to work out who they
belong to and to count them.
There was a young
Mistle Thrush
on the croquet lawn. Apparently they have decided
that it is their territory and are trying to keep other birds away.
was warming on a tree root. Another swam to the tree and hauled out
to join it.
20 species of birds were seen.
A full list of the birds seen is given in the
Bird Table