© Worth Park Friends 2025
Landscape Institute Heritage and Conservation Award This prestigious prize was awarded to the Pulham Garden at Worth Park in December 2016 South and South East in Bloom 2017: Worth Park were given a Silver-Gilt Award in the Heritage Category on Wednesday, 20th September
Pulham planter, Photo: Pam Graham
The Park obtained this prize again for 2024/25. The accolade is judged by the following criteria: Condition of Historic Features Use and Enjoyment of Historic Features Maintaining Historic Character and Appearance
29th November 2023 Worth Park has been awarded National Plant collection status (Plant Heritage) for Achillea filipendulina and Achillea millefolium vs Read the comment by our Head Gardener
Worth Park has been awarded the Green Flag in 2024/25 for a seventh consecutive year. “The Green Flag Award is the benchmark national standard for publicly accessible parks and green spaces in the United Kingdom”. Congratulations and a big Thank you to our Head Gardener Stephen Peters and his team who played such an important part in obtaining these prizes and to the Gardening Club for their outstanding efforts.