Werecorded24listsofthebirdsseenorheardondifferentdaysinWorthPark throughout the year. Birds recorded on every visit are scored as 100%.Coot,CanadaGoose,MoorhenandWoodpigeonwereseeneverytime.(Strangelyon our first visit in 2021 there were no Canada Geese - odd.)Carrion Crow, Mallard and Magpie were seen on all but one visit.Blackbird and Blue Tit were seen on all but two visits. Great Tits were more scarce. It seems that you have about a one in five chance of seeing a Kingfisher.IwassurprisedtorealisethatwehadonlyseenaBuzzardonceandthatwehadseen a Grey Wagtail more often than a Pied Wagtail.ChaffinchandGreenfincharenotoftenseenandHouseSparrowsareonlyseenhalf the time. SurprisinglySiskinwerenotseeneventhoughthereareAldertreesthattheylikein the park. They have been seen in previous years.SimilarlyTreecreeperwerenotseenthisyeareventhoughtheyusedtoberegular and were the stars of the Dawn Chorus Walks.TantalisinglyLittleEgretwasseeninGrattonsParkbuttheydidnotmaketheshort hop over into Worth Park for us.AlsofrustratinglyIthoughtIsawaGreenWoodpeckerasitwaschasedawaybya dog.Ihopewegetabettersightingoneday.(Aside-wehavehadaGreen Woodpecker[rare]andaGreatSpottedWoodpecker[quitecommon]inourhome garden not far from the park on the last day of 2020 and the first day of 2021.)Tom & Chris Howard-Jones 2nd January 2021.