© Worth Park Friends 2025
Notes on Worth Park Bird Sightings 2022. During the year we recorded 16 lists with 348 sightings; an average of 21 species per visit. The following eight species were seen on every visit: Blackbird; Carrion Crow; Mallard; Egyptian Goose; Magpie; Moorhen; feral and Wood Pigeon. The following nine species were only seen on one visit: Chaffinch; Chiffchaff; Goldcrest; Greenfinch; Jay; Redwing; Swift; Coal Tit and Great Spotted Woodpecker. As for raptors, we saw Common Buzzard on 3 visits and a Red Kite and a Sparrowhawk on 2. We did not see a Kestrel as we had in 2021. It is surprising that we saw Red Kites more often than Chaffinch and Greenfinch. It indicates how much these finches have declined and how much the kites have increased. We were disappointed and surprised that we did not see a Kingfisher, a Treecreeper or a Pied Wagtail throughout the whole year. They have been more common in the past. Tom & Chris Howard-Jones 14 February 2023.